In the south of no where and just about the in the middle of no where, a man in Winchester while working hard in his lab had discovered the cure for cancer...
Peter Alexander Wintergate was the youngest son of seven children of Alicia & Michael Wintergate Growing up, Peter had a wonderful lust of knowledge and of chemistry and had spent most of his time, days and even years formulating his ideas on to written word and in the mist of the 67th year of his life had formulated the most terrific discovery of the 21st century, the cure for oblegette tulotte, the most dangerous and untreatable form of cancer ever known. With a discovery of this magnitude, Peter had not only of had the chance to save one life but the chance to save millions and if not even billions. Peters discovery was the answer the world needed but was the question that wold have never been uttered. Peter, due to his location, lack of travel and lack of youth had struggled to get the word out the the world and eventually wound up dying just a new months after this discovery, the world would never know about Peter, worst yet, the world would never know about his miracle.
Now, the story about Peter is but a myth but does this story not sound so failure in your own personal life? Have you ever had something so important, so life changing that you just had to tell others but did not know how, perhaps it wasn't the cure for cancer or even some other deadly disease but yet it was still something so life altering and life changing that by telling just one it could spread around the world, reaching millions if not even billions of people?
What If YOU gained those tools and had just that ability to do so and by having those tools and abilities you could share it to others so that THEY also can spread the word of good news to others, millions if not billions of others around the globe so that EVERYONE could do just exactly the same thing - YOU CAN!
Here at Better Web Builder we give you just that, we provide you with the tools and the abilities needed to have success in what ever it is you want to achieve and also provide training and the skill sets so that you can pass it down to others so that they can do the same, now that is the power of duplication and is also the power and good fortune of your success but it begins with you and it can begin right now.
What are you waiting for?
The world right now is waiting for you to change their life, will it be you that shares with them these great gifts or could be it a friend you know who lives right down the street, take action today and we will be looking not only forward to helping you and your world grow but more so on welcoming you in to our family of leaders, people here that have the strong desire to help you succeed and help change the world you desire.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
What Are You Waiting For?
3:08 AM
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